TM Maintenance
TM Maintenance is provided twice a year for both UI and UA Translation Memories.
There are various reasons, why the inconsistencies happen within the TM (Bug fixing on standalone string, Terminology changes, etc.), so we need to ensure our TMs are regularly maintained.
UA TM Maintenance report
TM Maintenance task for UA Translation Memory is done via Xbench report.
In the report there is file name, source string, target string and string status available for linguist.
Report is prefilled by False Positives from previous TM Maintenance round.
Linguist needs to review all the rows marked as "New" and decide/comment if the row is:
True Positive - in case the target should be fixed. Corrected Target needs to be provided as well in this case.
False Positive - in case the target should not be changed.
Skipped - in case the decision on row status can't be made due to missing context.
Linguist is responsible also for implementation of changes from the report.
Report is prefilled by False Positives from previous TM Maintenance round. No "New" rows should remain in the delivery.
UI TM Maintenance report
TM Maintenance task for UI Translation Memory is done via specific report.
In the report there is file name, string number, string ID, source string, target string, string status, source reference and target reference available for linguist.
Report is prefilled by False Positives from previous TM Maintenance round.
Linguist needs to review all the rows marked as "New" and decide/comment if the row is:
True Positive - in case the target should be fixed. Corrected Target needs to be provided as well in this case.
False Positive - in case the target should not be changed.
Skipped - in case the decision on row status can't be made due to missing context.
Linguist is not responsible for implementation of changes from the report. This is done by engineers in Jonckers.
Report is prefilled by False Positives from previous TM Maintenance round. No "New" rows should remain in the delivery.