CLT stands for Contextual Linguistic Testing, which on Tableau account means validation of screenshots with localized strings in context of the software’s UI.

There are two types of CLT tasks:
CLT-Main: tested screenshots come from Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server
CLT-Misc: tested screenshots come from Tableau Mobile (from both Android and iOS devices) and Tableau Prep Builder/Conductor

CLT Workflow

CLT on Tableau consists of these steps:

1.  Handoff➡️: Linguistic tester receives a zipped package via FTP. File path is provided in the HO email from JONCKERS PM.

2.  Screenshot validation➡️: Linguistic Tester compares every source screenshot with its target equivalent.

3.  Bug report➡️: Linguistic tester fills in the Bug report spreadsheet with all required details from the testing.

4.  Bug assignment – Bugnet➡️: Linguistic tester assigns all issues in our bug management system – Bugnet

5.  Bug report – finalization➡️: Linguistic tester fills in the bug report with all bug IDs from Bugnet

6.  Bug resolution➡️: Linguistic tester checks if there are any resolved legacy bugs assigned to them in Bugnet

7.  Delivery➡️: linguistic tester sends delivery to JONCKERS PM that will include:

a.      Bug report: filled in with all required details

b.      Time report: time spent on this project

(💡 Click the step name to get into the specific step page.)


You may come across various tools during CLT projects on Tableau account, e.g.:

(💡 See more in the ➡️ CLT tools page.)


Please refer to the ➡️References, ➡️CLT tips and tricks and ➡️FAQ pages.

Version History
Version Date Updated by Comment v1.0 29/May/2019 Frantisek Rakovan Initial document creationv1.1 10/Feb/2020 Frantisek Rakovan Bug assignment – component breakdown updatev1.2 21/Jul/2020 Lubomir Mako High impact term changesv1.3 03/Oct/2022 Lubomir Mako Overall update to reflect all changes since 2020v1.4 17/Jan/2023 Lubomir Mako Implementation of changes since October 2022 + added section “CLT tips and tricks”v1.5 01/Jun/2023 Lubomir Mako Document revision and content udpatev1.51 10/Oct/2023 Jozef Jambor Content moved to webpage