Terminology Database (TD)

What is Tableau TD?

Tableau recognizes that the terminology management is a key component of good quality translations. Tableau TD is located in Kalcium (also called QuickTerm), which is a platform created by Kaleidoscope. Tableau TD is a concept-based terminology database, which means that each entry in the TD represents one concept and may contain multiple terms (e.g. full form, acronym, short form or variants).

You can access live Tableau TD in three ways:

Before every UA Main hand off, we also export the TD and you can add it to Trados project on your end. Exports are saved  here: 🗃️/Tableau/FromJTE/_References_/00_TermBase/00_SDLTB_version

Tableau terminology entry overview

Each Tableau entry has to have certain mandatory metdata. These metadata (also called attributes) provide information about the context, definition, origin and grammatical properties of terms.

Entry level:

Source term level:

How to search in Kalcium online TD

In Search settings, you can select the Search type: wildcard, fuzzy, full text or concordance. Each can be used in different scenarios.
The most useful one is usually Fuzzy search, with the similarity rate set at 65-75%.

Note: If you select Fuzzy or Concordance search, you can also choose the similarity rate (fuzzy) value. 

In Search language(s), you can select a language in which you want to search for terms, usually a source language.

In Displayed language(s), you can select which target languages you want to see.

Note: Your settings will remain the same even after logging out, until you change them again. 

2. Entry view settings - we created various stylesheets for your convenience. As default, we are currently using Landscape_view, which is easier when you are displaying multiple languages one under another. Feel free to try out the other ones to see what suits you best!

Note: Studio stylesheet has been created specifically for Kalcium plugin in Trados Studio, that's why the font size is a bit smaller.

You can also search the term by entry ID.

Note: When searching by an entry ID, you need to use two hashtags before the entry ID. 

Challenging terms

Some Tableau terms can be pretty challenging. Based on some previous feedback from client, we put together a separate sheet with tabs containing various challenging terms with helpful screenshots from Tableau product UI.

📌You can find the sheet here: 🔗https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UYkJm8XdTHZ0lbeZd-1eHTggF2c6V8TWVUIYprNWeEY/edit#gid=0