Bug Report
The bug report sheet needs to be filled in with all these findings. You will have to fill out this file and include it in the handback. It is the only file we will need you to hand back after testing is finished.
Bug Report contains following worksheets:
Sheet contains information about the number of screenshots per language:
Information about the number of bugs per language and status:
Instructions for CLT process
Unresolved Bugs
Sheet contains all bugs which needs attention (open and resolved ones) for all languages.
In the sheet you can filter your language (column D) and your assignment “JTE_TEST_XYZ”, where XYZ stands for a 3-letter language code (column C).
In the column M of the sheet there is direct link to the bug. You can use it to open the bug directly from Excel file.
Target Language sheets
(de-DE, en-GB, es-ES, fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, pt-BR, sv-SE, th-TH, zh-CN, zh-TW)These are the working sheets for the testing reporting (see next section).
Bug Report target language sheets:
Column A – Section – Name of the customer handoff folder (already prefilled – do not change)
Column B – Language – Language code of the screenshot (already prefilled – do not change)
Column A – Image – Screenshot file name (already prefilled – do not change)
Column D – Date Tested – Please use ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ format, e.g. 2023-06-14. You can use your local date and don’t need to specify the time zone, but don’t use a date range (use only one date).
Column E – Test Result – choose from the options accordingly – ‘PASS’, ‘FAIL’ or ‘SKIPPED’.
PASS: if the screenshot doesn’t contain any issues
FAIL: if the screenshot contains any issues apart from the "screenshot issue" (see Column F, point 7 section for more information)
SKIPPED: only to be used when something blocked you from validating the source & target screenshot properly e.g.:
screenshots were different
mismatched screenshots
screenshots didn’t capture the same thing
screenshots with number/date format issue
Column F – Failure reason needs to be chosen from the drop-down menu for every ‘FAIL’ test result.
1-Untranslated String: self-explanatory
2-Incorrect Translation: self-explanatory
3-Incorrect Grammar: self-explanatory
4-Truncation or Overlap: self-explanatory. Please beware of column headers – those shouldn’t be reported as they can usually be resized/expanded.
5-Number or Date Format Issue: in case you encounter a date or number formatting issue, please only mark it with this failure reason, but don’t report it as a bug in Bugnet. Screenshots are being capture on PCs with OS in English, so the build will always have English number/date format – this is a FP (false positive).
6-Code or Functionality Issue: in case of obvious functionality issues
7-Screenshot Issue: should be used in case screenshots are mismatched or don’t capture the same thing or if there’s another issue that blocks you from testing the screenshot. Please don’t create a new bug in Bugnet for these issues.
8-Other (Add comment): In case none of the options listed in the dropdown applies to the issue, please choose option 8 and add a comment in column H
0-Passed: please use if no issues are found (this option can be omitted)
Column G – Bug Number – Please enter the bug ID from Bugnet you have created. If the test result is ‘PASS’, or ‘SKIPPED’, this cell will always remain empty.
Column H – Comment – This should be filled in with a short comment specifying the failure reason in case fail reason in column F is option 8-Other.
Column I – Previous Bugs to Action – in this column you will find previously resolved bugs related to the screenshot of the same name from previous CLT rounds which need activity form your side. Examples:
Image Name: Tableau Catalog_17.PNG / Previous Bugs to Action: Bugnet ID:109209 (resolved/duplicate) – there was bug 109209 raised in Bugnet for Tableau Catalog_17.PNG and this bug is already with status Resolved / Duplicate in Bugnet. Please review the bug and resolve it as per section: Bug resolution
Image Name: Tableau Catalog_19.PNG / Previous Bugs to Action: Bugnet ID:109534 (resolved/fixed) | Bugnet ID:109212 (resolved/fixed) – there are two bugs related to the screenshot of the same name in previous CLT round. Both are with status Resolved / Fixed. Please review the bug and resolve it as per section: Bug resolution
Column J – Previous Bugs for Reference – in this column you will find previously resolved bugs related to the screenshot of the same name from previous CLT rounds which are listed for your reference. Examples:
Image Name: Additional Test Cases Request_1.PNG / Previous Bugs for Reference: Bugnet ID:109194 (resolved/by design) – there was bug 109194 raised in Bugnet for the image and this bug is already with status Resolved / By design in Bugnet. It is possible that you will see a similar error on the screenshot, so please do not report it as a new Bug as this is already resolved as By design.
Image Name: Additional Test Cases Request_8.PNG / Previous Bugs for Reference: Bugnet ID:109195 (resolved/won't fix – there was bug 109195 raised in Bugnet for image and this bug is already with status Resolved / Won’t fix in Bugnet. It is possible that you will see a similar error on the screenshot, so please do not report it as a new Bug as this issue can’t be fixed.
Column K - JTE Feedback – column to be used by Jonckers team to provide feedback from QA round after the testing.
📌 Columns “Previous Bugs to Action” and “Previous Bugs for Reference” are identified via Image Name. There is a possibility that Image Name will not fully match the names from previous CLT rounds, but the bug is still related to one of the screenshots from the same image group (e.g. “Additional Test Cases Request…”).