User Assistance (UA)
Help pages, help articles, often referred to as documentation (DOC) or UA (User Assistance), provide information to users about how to use Tableau products. You can find them 🔗here.
A project you may be working on might not be the full document; other translators might be working on parts of it simultaneously, and concordance search might be offering various suggestions.
You may not be translating the project from beginning to end, there may be parts of the project that have been translated in the past and what you are translating needs to fit in within it. It is important to check the surrounding locked segments to understand the context and style.
UI elements need to be translated consistently. Let’s say translator A translates user interface (UI) option “Show All Values” one way, but the translator B who is translating documentation translates it slightly differently. User may end up doubting they are in the right menu of the UI. Always check the UI TM export (in excel format) for correct UI strings when working on UA projects. UI export is saved on 🗃️/Tableau/FromJTE/_References_/01_TM/UI_TM export. Always check the most up to date release export.
Terminology needs to be consistent between UI and UA. This is important for user experience.
It is a good practice to search the existing Tableau help pages for more context, if needed. Many times, articles you will be translating are already published in English so you can check the visual context there. More about this can be found in this ➡️section.